Interactive Media & IR Exhibition

Press releases empowered with interaction


Art Director


Business Wire

Business Wire is one of the top resources for companies seeking to release time-sensitive, flawless public relations pieces. Not only seeking to serve as a publishing hub, Business Wire offers Interactive Media where clients can empower their press with video, photo slide shows and more in a completely branded, unique interactive experience. As a testament to their flawlessness, Business Wire asked for help speaking to Interactive Media and their IR reporting capabilities through videos and booth design.

While Business Wire’s primary purpose is to deliver press releases and disclosures on a timely, intelligent timeline, it also gives clients the option to use Business Wire Interactive Media — an interactive tool that could be used to show photos, videos, articles, and other empowering pieces of digital collateral. BWIMs could live within websites, tweets, and other social media and maintain its interactive status. Some are capable of acting as landing pages themselves. This :30 video was designed to teach new clients the power of Business Wire Interactive Media.

Interactive Media :40 Overview Video

To accompany the launch of the video, I also designed a BWIM for Business Wire that utilized all of its capabilities. All of these are showcased through Hotspots — interactive areas within the BWIM that bounced to other sections or launched other items.

The BWIM can be found here:

Interactive Media Piece

Business Wire maintains its pride on accuracy, both in the timing and delivery of investor relations releases. A series of ads, emails and a landing page, along with a booth at the National Investor Relations Institute (NIRI) conference that tied it all together with backlit signage and succinct, powerful messaging. The photography displayed Business Wire agents as confident, intrigued, and invested (no pun intended) in their clients' needs for impeccably timed press releases.

IR Cmpaign Digital Ad Placements

IR Campaign Email

IR Campaign Landing Page

NIRI Booth Graphic Theming

NIRI Booth Design

NIRI Booth Design

NIRI Booth Design