Lucky XIII Gala

A night of fortune and felicity


Art Director, Copywriter, Production


McGuffin Creative Group

Every year, McGuffin hosts a client gala to recognize their appreciation for those that give us a mission. For McGuffin’s thirteenth year, we chose to celebrate symbols of luck — a positive turn on what is supposedly a cursed number. Design is based in the illustrative stylings of tarot cards and New Orleans-style hoodoo.

Lucky symbology covers so many different cultures and backgrounds, it's hard to settle on one. Overall the theme was picked to be a colorful, explosive union of all things magical, which added to a hand-made look inspired from tarot cards and deep south voodoo.

Lucky XIII Theme

Lucky XIII Save the Date Email

To add to the overall experience, thirteen posters were placed around the floor adorned with symbols of luck from multiple cultural and religious backgrounds as well as their respective meanings. Within all thirteen lies a hidden message, the clue being “Look to the stars to find out the secret of McGuffin’s success” – an indicator to look for a letter within one of the many stars that appeared in each piece of artwork). That secret? AMAZING PEOPLE.

Lucky Symbology Posters (1/3)

Lucky Symbology Posters (2/3)

Lucky Symbology Posters (3/3) + Fortune Teller Signage


See a timelapse of the event below.

Lucky XIII Gala Timelapse